The company that counts.


  A day spent well with friends, is made up of moments and memories to be cherished. It’s a hard earned respite from daily routines and mundane chores. It defines your day and sets the tone for the week to follow. In fact any time that you spend in the company of people  you enjoy being with, be it family or friends is rejuvenating, refreshing.

  Time spent with friends, with whom you can be yourself can be so relaxing. A lazy brunch or a day out. When men are smartly casual and women, expertly chic. When bonhomie is queen, naughty innuendo the king and giggles, back slapping, leg pulling, the happy subjects. 

 You know you are in good company when jokes fly around, hair is let down and you can put up your feet. When, although the day is warm, you feel chilled out.

 You know you are with good friends when the relationship is tight enough for the tongues to wag a little loose. When men enjoy being bitchy and gossipy. Where women can stay sassy and witty. Where no judgement is passed and no offence taken.

 You are glad you are in good company when mad, crazy, silly, whacky feels normal for the moment. Where age just remains a number that can be erased for a few hours from your psyche.

It’s a happy time when laughter flows freely and fast, like the drinks, and the food though lavish is not the focus but an accompaniment to the scintillating conversation and it’s the flavour of friendship that remains dominant.

 You know you are blessed to have good friends when you are so comfortable being yourself, that you can lose yourself and become a part of the whole. When the smiles are warm and can melt away any despair or gloom iced away in your heart. When the concern is genuine and feelings mutual.

You know you want to be with these friends when time stands still but the hours fly away. When silence is so soft, just a fraction of a pause to punctuate the chatter and you dont mind it because it’s the banter that becomes the balm that soothes you.

 In short being in the company of good friends and family is uplifting, inspiring and motivating. I dedicate this to all my rocking friends. Friends with whom I can feel one or more or all of the above. Thank you for being in my life. For, when friendship clicks, happiness gets tagged.

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